The importance of real estate area pages on your Real Geeks site

Area pages are a huge way to build your Real Geeks website. When done correctly, you can attract new monthly organic traffic to your site for years to come, convert more traffic (if designed well), and add more value to your visitors to establish you as a local real estate authority.

So how do you do area pages right on these sites? Is it just a matter of creating more pages? What should you focus on?

The issue is, we have noticed many Real Geeks users simply slap on some text to a blank page with listings, or duplicate content on extra pages just to have “more” pages on their site. More pages isn’t always the answer. You also want to keep in mind the design of each area page — making it as accessible as possible.

We want to walk through the most important aspects on your area page. Let’s walk through them together.

How to make the best area pages on Real Geeks websites

  • Unique content

    • You want to make sure that the content on each page is unique and isn’t duplicated from other websites online. By duplicating content, you put your site at risk for being kicked down on the organic search rankings. It’s better to place a custom placeholder for the about section of each area page until you acquire unique copy for each area page.

    • Unique photography is one of the easiest ways to seriously increase the rank and SEO of your area pages. If you can acquire unique photos via a local photographer of each area you want to cover, this would be the best way to do it. Shutterstock is a good option, but you won’t have the benefit of totally unique photos due to other competitors using the same image.

  • Proper descriptions + meta tagging

    • You want to follow best SEO practices when writing out your area pages. Make sure to only use one H1 tag, and make sure your H1 tag clearly describes the theme of your area page. For example, if you want to make a area page about Seattle condos for sale, a good H1 tag one be “Seattle Condos For Sale.“ You will want to do some keyword research to make sure that’s a popular keyword people are typing.

  • Keyword research

    • Don’t create area pages aimlessly. It’s fine to make area pages for your top served areas, but outside of that, the key is to make area pages based around what people in your local market are actually searching on major search engines. For example, you may want to create an area page that attracts home buyers to Bothell real estate in Washington state. By doing keyword research, you may find that titling your page “Homes for Sale Bothell, WA” is better than “Bothell Homes for Sale”. This isn’t the end all, be all of course. You want to research all aspects of the topics you will be creating pages for and ensure they line up with current searches.

  • Call to Action Placements + Overall Design

    • This is probably the most overlooked aspect of creating high producing area pages. If you think about it, an area page is most likely the first page many of your potential leads will see. Most of your traffic will never see your homepage, yet most agents will pay thousands for a fancy, vanity homepage. You want to ensure that ALL your area pages wow your traffic — this is a big first impression piece.

    • Strategically placed call to actions are crucial to ensure you give your site the best chance to convert on these pages. You want to make sure listings are placed towards the top of the page, as this is what users are most likely looking to see upon landing on your site. You want call to actions both on the top and bottom of the page. At Vanity Geeks, we design luxury pages that have jump link call to actions and agent highlight sections. You want to do something similar. Embedding the home value widget on each page would help you convert more seller leads. But make sure to keep the page flowing nicely and easily accessible from section to section. If you want an example of a well executed area page, check out one of our clients site area pages here.

Questions? We are always here to help. Reach out and we can help you with any area page questions you got!


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